An education expressly for boys.


Private tours of the campus are given daily by appointment.


Learn more about the Stuart Hall School for Boys and what sets us apart.


Ready to submit a formal application? Begin the process online now.

As you and your family explore schools for your son, we hope to equip you with the information you need to find a school where your son will thrive.

Stuart Hall provides a foundation that will change the course of your son’s life.

From deciding whether an independent school is the right fit for your family to visiting our beautiful Uptown campus and completing the necessary application requirements, our admission team is here to assist you in any way. We look forward to getting to know your family as we work with you to see if Stuart Hall is the right fit for your son.

There is extensive research into the way that boys and girls learn and it is now evident that boys and girls do learn differently for biological and educational reasons. Boys learn best through movement, hands-on activities, spatial and visual experiences, play, and cooperative assignments. An all-boys environment helps to foster lifelong friendships and form a brotherhood among classmates.

It’s science. Boys learn differently.

The Stuart Hall experience goes far beyond what happens in the classroom. It’s about eye contact and a firm handshake. It’s about building a foundation for a life centered on a love for learning, a desire to help others, and a commitment to Gospel values. It’s about teaching boys to be Kind, Courteous, Respectful, and Responsible.

Research on boys’ brains and how they learn informs what happens in the classroom. Faculty members design lessons that are engaging, active, and hands-on. Boys speak up, move around, and stay engaged.

With an average class size of 18 students, each boy is fully involved. He is asked to do more than he expected, and the results are beyond what he could ever imagine.